Warm Season Fairway Program

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Mid-April – Mid-September

High Sun Angle, Bi-Weekly Applications with 10-12 Applications Annually


  • Hydra-Green – 4 ozs/M (Nitrogen Component + Cytokinins & Auxins)
  • Hydra-Mn – 3 ozs/M (Chlorophyll Molecules w/Mn to help with SDS)
  • Hydra-Kace – 3 ozs/M (Primary Potassium Component – Essential for Turgor)

Mid-September – Late October

Low Sun Angle, Bi-Weekly Applications with 2-3 Applications Annually


  • Hydra-Green – 4 ozs/M (Nitrogen Component + Cytokinins & Auxins)
  • Hydra-Mn – 3 ozs/M (Chlorophyll Molecules w/Mn to help with SDS)
  • Hydra-Kace – 3 ozs/M (Primary Potassium Component – Essential for Turgor)
  • Hydra-Cal – 3 ozs/M (Calcium for root cap production + cytokinins/auxins)