Hydra-Carb 1-0-3


Hydra-Carb is a high brix molasses fertilizer with minors and plant proteins designed to stimulate native soil bacteria, enrich the soil and reduce thatch.

Use Hydra-Carb on a regular basis to encourage healthy soil microbial populations, especially in sand based, low organic matter greens.

Hydra-Carb is a high carbon, high carbohydrate supplemental fertilizer. Designed to fuel the food web within the root zone, Hydra-Carb provides a high-energy food source for rhizosphere bacteria. This dramatic stimulation of biological activity has a direct positive impact on root length, root mass, and turfgrass quality.

Hydra-Carb also contains a broad complement of plant proteins, trace micronutrients, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other beneficial substances.  Applications can result in up to a 75% increase in bacteriological activity.