Hydra-Iron Up 5

Hydra-Iron Up 5

Label    SDS  Info Card

Hydra-IronUp5 is designed to prevent and/or correct iron deficiencies in most crops, ornamentals, and turfgrass. Hydra-IronUp5 can be applied to the soil or foliage and can be applied alone or combined with other nutrients or pesticides. Hydra-IronUP5 is designed to significantly reduce the risk of staining on concrete, siding, walkways, etc., but applicants should use extreme caution around untreated porous surfaces such as marble and wood.

Hydra-Kace 0-0-29

Hydra-Kace 0-0-29

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Hydra-Kace is the highest foliar absorption potassium input on the market. Derived from potassium acetate (KA), Hydra-Kace ensures high tissue levels at low rates, reduced risk of foliar burn and reduced fertilizer salt loading. It promotes carbohydrate synthesis and translocation, catalyzing numerous enzyme reactions including nitrate reduction, regulating transpiration, nutrient uptake and respiration rates. Hydra-Kace influences turfgrass rooting, drought, heat and cold tolerance, while reducing the effects of turf stress.

Ornamental Rate: 2.0 – 4.0 quarts



Label SDS

The surfactant is a 98% Active Ingredient blend of 3 unique polymers. This universal work-horse contains two block polymers: Penetrant, Uniform hydration +1 Reverse Block Polymer for water retention. Contains high load of natural biostimulant +SAR Elicitors. Polymers: 45% Wetter. 45% Penetrator. 10% Holder. Natural biostimulant + SAR Elicitors provide foliar uptake; if not watered in (foliar and root absorbed).

Greens & Tees: Use rate per 1,000 sq. ft.: Apply 4-6 oz. monthly or 2.5-4 oz. every two weeks after initial 6 oz. application. Irrigate the product into the soil profile for best results.

Fairways/Roughs: Use rate per 1,000 sq. ft.: Apply 4-6 oz. monthly or 2.5-4 oz. every two weeks after initial 6 oz. application. Irrigate the product into the soil profile for best results.

Hydra-Kelp 4-0-0

Hydra-Kelp 4-0-0

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A supplemental nitrogen and micronutrient fertilizer designed to prevent and/or cure nutrient deficiencies in plants and crops. Hydra-Kelp is enhanced with Ascophylum Nodosum extracts to enhance turfgrass quality. Hydra-Kelp is a pure biostimulant that ensures your turf has the antioxidants it needs to prepare for summer stress conditions. Hydra-Kelp’s overall result is a boosted defense system, carbohydrate reserves for the turf and the infusion of high levels of naturally beneficial cytokinins. As a secondary benefit, Hydra-Kelp contains 1% Mg, 2% Fe, and 1% Mn to provide a tremendous color response.

Root Injection: 1.0 – 4.0 quarts

Hydra-Kelp Plus

Hydra-Kelp Plus

Label    SDS

One of the highest active ingredient and most effective forms kelp in the turf and agriculture markets. Hydra-Kelp Plus is enhanced with Ascophylum Nodosum extracts to enhance turfgrass quality. Hydra-Kelp Plus is a pure biostimulant that ensures your turf has the antioxidants it needs to prepare for summer stress conditions. Hydra-Kelp Plus’s overall result is a boosted defense system, carbohydrate reserves for the turf and the infusion of high levels of naturally beneficial cytokinins. As a secondary benefit, Hydra-Kelp Plus contains humic acid to aid as a soil conditioner, organic chelator, and microbial stimulator that provides tremendous benefit to your soils and plants. This dual active ingredient solutions can enhance soil fertility by increasing nutrient availability, improve cation exchange, while providing all the antioxidants turf needs to prep for stress conditions.



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90-day soil surfactant. 100% Active Ingredient. Three high-performance branched polymers designed for unmatched soil surfactant longevity. Combines two complementary block surfactants with a graft polymer surfactant. Increases hydration while compensating for microbial degradation of the polymer. Increased vertical and lateral movement. Perfect for fairways and areas with limited access where turf managers would prefer to make only one or two applications a year. Delivers uniform hydration, penetration, and rewetting with extremely low risk of phyto-toxicity. With Hydra-Last, two complementary surfactants are grafted onto a parent molecule in a structure resembling tree branches.

Greens / Tees: At the beginning of the season or 8 applications of 8 ounces per 1,000 square feet. Apply second prior to expected hydrophobic conditions. Apply in split -ounce application two weeks after initial application. Apply in 2 gallons of water per 1,000 square feet or water-in for best results.

Fairways / Roughs: At the beginning of the season or 8 applications of 8 ounces per 1,000 square feet. Apply second prior to expected hydrophobic conditions. Apply in split -ounce application two weeks after initial application. Apply in 2 gallons of water per 1,000 square feet or water-in for best results.



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Hydra-Minors is the only comprehensive, multi-chelated micronutrient package containing plant available silica, SAR elicitors and bio-stimulants. Hydra-Minors uses biostimulant technologies derived from desert plant extracts, which are designed to increase plant health and growth, even during times of stress. SAR (systemic acquired resistance) elicitors increase plant vigor and trigger plant defense reponses. This highly synergistic combination reduces plant stress and enhances turf quality and color. Hydra-Minors contains 1% plant-available silica. This patented process to stabilize plant available silica hardens plant cells, resulting in tenaciously tough turf.

Analysis: 1.0% Mg, 1.0% Mn, 3.0% Fe, 4.0% S, 0.5% Zn, 0.02% Mo, 0.10% Cu, 0.02% B, 1.0% SiO2

Cool Season: 1.5 – 3.0 oz.

Ornamentals: 2 quarts per 100 gallons of water and apply as a foliar spray or apply 2-8 quarts per 100 gallons of water as a soil drench.

Hydra-Mn Combo

Hydra-Mn Combo

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4% Mn, 3% Fe, 1% Mg. with complexed organic acids. Hydra-Mn is specifically designed to provide the right nutrients to deliver elevated tissue color. The combination of Mn, Fe and Mg in the organic acid chelated form catalyzes the reactors inside the plant to produce unrivaled color response, regardless of soil conditions such as pH. Flexible for foliar and soil applications. Compatible with amine-based herbicides and offers low stain risk.



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A spray tank citric-based, pH reducer. Hydra-pHix modifies spray solution when breakdown from alkaline hydrolysis can reduce pesticide performance.

Use Rate: Mix Hydra-Phix into the spray tank before adding other components such as fertilizers or pesticides. Add enough to correct the pH based upon the color of the solution. As a general guideline, 4-8 ounces of Hydra-pHix per 100 gallons of water will decrease the pH from 8.5 to 5.0. This may vary due to the particular characteristics of the water source.

Hydra-Phite 0-0-31

Hydra-Phite 0-0-31

Label     SDS     Info Card

One of the purest liquids on the market, Hydra-Phite is a highly concentrated potassium phosphite reacted under strict temperature and quality control for enhanced compatibility and performance. Designed to mobilize in the plant, Hydra- Phite works rapidly to correct deficiencies, enhance plant and root development and improve resistance to environmental factors which favor disease development. Along with enhanced resistance to stress, Hydra-Phite is extremely systemic, rapidly transporting through ploem and xylem to areas of deficiencies or need.

Ornamental: Apply at a 0.5% V/V solution as a foliar spray




Hydra-Smoke is a proprietary combination of acidifiers, surfactants, translocation aids and plant stimulants specifically designed to significantly enhance the efficacy, deposition and coverage of applied non-selective herbicides. Hydra-Smoke is only for use with general burn-down herbicide applications and not when selectively targeting weeds or when using a selective herbicide over non-target crops or grasses.

Rate: The suggested use rate for Hydra-Smoke is 1% to 2%, or 1 to 2 gallons per 100 gallons of spray volume. Add ½ volume of water to mix tank, start circulation/mixing and add Hydra-Smoke while agitating. Allow to mix for at least 10 minutesselectively targeting weeds or when a using a selective herbicide over non-target crops or grasses.

Hydra-Phite 40

Hydra-Phite 40

Label SDS

A more concentrated solution of phosphite designed to maximize the phosphorous acid delivery to the plant. This 2-0-16 contains 5.84 pounds of phosphorous acid per gallon. Designed to improve plant strength and stress resistance. Derived from phosphorous acid, this formulation is extremely soluble and readily absorbed via the roots and foliar tissue. Studies have shown Hydra-Phite 40 enhances the activity of fungicides when jointly applied. In addition, the utilization of other nutrients when mixed and applied together as a supplement to a well-balanced fertilizer program.

Ornamental: Apply at a 0.5% V/V solution as a foliar spray

Hydra-Phite Plus 0-0-28

Hydra-Phite Plus 0-0-28

Label     SDS     Info Card

A highly concentrated potassium phosphite, Hydra-Phite Plus contains proprietary bio-stimulant technology derived from desert plant extracts, which increases plant strength and growth. In addition, the SAR (Systemic Acquired Resistance) elicitors increase plant vigor and trigger plant defense responses, making the turf stronger even during the most stressful periods of the season. With Hydra-Phite Plus’s highly synergistic combinations of desert plant extracts, phosphite and SAR elicitors, the turf becomes impressively resistant to plant stress, while enhancing turf quality.

Ornamental: Apply at a 0.5% V/V solution as a foliar spray



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Comprehensive combination of dual-mode surfactants, sulfuric and amino acids plus HydraSmart’s exclusive nutrient efficiency polymer. Penetrates water through hydrophobic soils and moves water laterally where needed. Hydra-Push helps to remediate bicarbonates while liberating soil-bound nutrients like calcium and magnesium, which helps greatly with sodium mitigation. Strategically developed for push-up greens, Hydra-Push is a cost-effective surfactant for fairway injections.

Greens / Tees: Apply 1-2 ounces per 1,000 square feet every 30 days. Lightly irrigate the product into the soil profile for best results.

Fairway / Roughs: Apply 1-2 ounces per 1,000 square feet every 30 days. Lightly irrigate the product into the soil profile for best results.

Hydra-Stik (Contact Adjuvant)

Hydra-Stik (Contact Adjuvant)

Label    SDS

A blend of organosilicone-based spreaders and latex-based stickers. This combination of high-performance chemistries ensures unmatched spreading and leaf coverage, combined with a superior stick and rain-fastness. Rain-fast in 30 minutes. Enhances pesticide performance by ensuring droplet retention and reduced pesticide wash off in both low and high volume spray applications.

Use Rate: For spray volumes above 50 gallons per acre, apply 8-16 ounces per 100 gallons. For spray volumes of 10 to 50 gallons per acre, apply 16-24 ounces per 100 gallons. For ultra-low spray volumes below 10 gallons per acre, apply 24-32 ounces per acre.

Hydra-Tonic (MSO)

Hydra-Tonic (MSO)

Label    SDS

Hydra-Tonic is a soy methyl ester concentrate with emulsifiers designed to improve performance of post-emergence herbicides and other pesticides. This first-class product is ideal in areas where critical coverage is a must. When it comes to Hydra-Tonic, less is more. This high concentrate formula was specially designed for a low use rate, saving you time and money.

Use Rate: If the label allows for the use of an MSO product, but does not recommend a rate, add 3.0 – 4.0 pints per 100 gallons of water. More may be required on species with heavier cuticles, or under dry or dusty conditions or for more mature weeds.

Hydra-Trio 32-0-0

Hydra-Trio 32-0-0

Label SDS

Product Description: Powered by HydraSmart Technologies makes this product 100% efficient.  No nitrification.  No volatilization.  100% efficient.   Hydra-Trio contains multiple sources of nitrogen, including urea, nitrate, ammoniacal nitrogen and NMBT and DCD.  Hydra-Trio is a tremendously useful utility nitrogen source for turfgrass.  Hydra-Trio is a great tool to wake up warm-season grasses or maintain cool season grasses.  A very cost-effective, 100% efficient nitrogen source.

Cool Season: Use Rate = 1.0 – 4.0 oz. Application Interval: Every 2 – 4 weeks for lower cut turf.  Every 6 weeks for higher cut turfgrass.

Warm Season: Use Rate = 1.0 – 4.0 oz. Application Interval: Every 2 – 4 weeks for lower cut turf.  Every 6 weeks for higher cut turfgrass.

Hydra-Yield 3-17-17

Hydra-Yield 3-17-17

Label SDS  Info Card

The lowest use rate phosphorous available. This immediately available eco-friendly orthophosphate immediately kick-starts the germination process of new seedlings. Then the addition phosphorous liberating bacterial inoculants unlocks phosphate and micronutrients tied up in the soil. University research has demonstrated faster, more vigorous, and more consistent growth on a variety of plants.

Warm Season: Use Rate = 2.0 – 5.0 oz. Application Interval: Every 2 – 4 weeks for lower cut turf.  Every 6 weeks for higher cut turfgrass.

Cool Season: Use Rate = 1.5 – 3.0 oz. Application Interval: Every 2 – 4 weeks for lower cut turf.  Every 6 weeks for higher cut turfgrass.

Ornamentals: Apply in a 0.5% V/V solution as a foliar spray



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This high active ingredient biostimulant contains biochemical microbes, which puts the germination and growth of new plants into overdrive. The premium sources of humic and fulvic acids condition the soil, acting as organic liberators and microbial stimulators. With the addition of the nutrient liberating microbes, Liberate facilitates growth of roots in the soil, mineralizes organic compounds, making them plant available, converts N into biological usable forms, and solubilizes P, leading to its release and availability.